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Zone 1 - Machinery and related agricultural products and services
Zone 1 - Ram Shed (merino and non-merino)
Zone 1 - Livestock and related products
Zone 2 - Machinery and related agricultural products and services
Zone 2 - Trucks, Transport and Trailers
Zone 3 - Agricultural related products and services. Tools and Trades
Zone 3 - Outdoor & Leisure
Zone 3 - Hockey Field - Ag Supplies
Zone 3 - Hockey Field - Markets Lane
Zone 3 - Lionel John Metcalf Pavilion - Lifestyle and Others
Zone 4 - Football Oval - Agribusiness, Business and Government
Zone 4 - Euroz Hartleys Pavilion - Food and Beverages
Zone 4 - Motoring. Ag Tyres
Zone 4 - Markets Hall
Special Purpose/Permanent Buildings